Dining Experience Program

Nutrition and hydration are fundamental to good health and wellbeing. It is well evidenced that clinical issues such as bed sores, fractures, depression and even death result from malnutrition. However, these poor clinical outcomes are reduced and even prevented when food and beverage are well managed within the aged care environment.

It is well accepted that providing a positive dining experience for residents helps promote adequate nutritional intake. This has prompted the inclusion of Dining Experience in the Australian Quality Aged Care Standards.

Good Dining Experience is dependent on three factors, Food, Atmosphere and Service.

Understanding how these elements come together to support a positive experience for residents is the cornerstone to developing workable systems that provide the desired results.

This Dining Experience Program is not a ‘box ticking’ exercise. It is designed to support staff who may be from diverse cultural and social backgrounds and those who may not have had previous exposure to the hospitality industry service standards and sensibilities that residents have come to expect. This Program is particularly relevant for any person engaged in meal time service. This may include managers, care and catering staff, lifestyle teams and volunteers.

In practical terms this is achieved by:

  • Providing participants with basic skills and knowledge relating to each element of Food, Atmosphere and Service that support an enhanced dining experience for residents in a face to face training environment.
  • Obtaining feedback from participants and other stakeholders to develop workable Standard Operating Procedures to ensure consistency in quality standards during meal times.
  • Initiating a Question / Answer Bank for staff to engage in continuous conversation, improvement and innovation that supports the best possible Dining Experience.
  • Providing written Learner Guides and Competency Check Sheets with comprehensive support material for ongoing Program monitoring.
  • Providing support to nominated Hospitality or Front of House personnel responsible for overseeing the continuing success of the Dining Experience Program.


1  Introducing the Dining Experience  Defining dining – beyond survival. Exploring Dining Experience: What it means, why it is important and how it relates to promoting nutrition and hydration and ultimately resident health and wellbeing. The essential components of Food, Atmosphere and Service are explored together with the required mix of specialised skills, knowledge and attitude unique to the Aged Care environment and within the context of the Aged Care Quality Standards.

2  Cuisine and Menu Knowledge   Understanding food items and ingredients, cooking methods, diets -including IDDSI Levels, allergies, cultural and religious diversity and expectations and the importance of protein.

3  Communication  How it works and what it takes to make it effective. When it doesn’t work and what to do about it. The importance of listening, language and nonverbal signals to promote comprehension.  Understanding cultural and generational influences to enhance communication. Handling conflict and complaints. Behaving responsibly and fulfilling organisational and legal obligations.

4  Table Service and Etiquette  Table Manners. Table service Dos and Don’ts. The importance of knowing residents’ dietary needs and preferences. Selling the menu and appropriate alternatives.  Service skills such as set up, serving and clearing the table. Maintaining standards and managing unexpected circumstances appropriately for positive resident outcomes. More on complaint handling.

5  Food Presentation and Plating  Exploring the technical and practical elements of plating and presenting food to residents in order to encourage consumption and participation in the meal.

6   Summary and Feedback   Review of previous content and, or sessions. Participants engage in feedback and provide input into developing Standard Operating Procedures. The Assessment Project is discussed with due date set for one week forward.

This comprehensive program is delivered as a full day workshop. Alternatively, it may be delivered over two or three sessions depending on the specific operational needs of the residential aged care facility.

Please feel free to contact us to register your interest or if you would like further information.

[email protected]

Food safety compliance